Week 2
Normal Equation
知乎专栏:掰开揉碎推导Normal Equation,讲解了Normal Equation如何求最优解,而且还处理了存在线性相关向量的情况。
- Redundant features, where two features are very closely related (i.e. they are linearly dependent).
- Too many features (e.g. $m \leq n$). In this case, delete some features or use “regularization” (to be explained in a later lesson).
伪逆矩阵 Pseudo-inverse
对于矩阵$A$,如果存在一个矩阵$B$,使得$A B = B A = I$,其中$I$为与$A$, $B$同维数的单位阵,就称$A$为可逆矩阵(或者称$A$可逆),并称$B$是$A$的逆矩阵。矩阵$A$可逆的充分必要条件是$det A \neq 0$,左式隐含条件是$A$为方阵。
若矩阵为奇异矩阵或非方阵,则不存在逆矩阵,但可以用函数pinv(A)求其伪逆矩阵。基本语法为X = pinv(A)
或者X = pinv(A,tol)
,其中tol为误差 max(size(A))*eps(norm(A))。函数返回一个与$A$的转置矩阵$A^T$同型的矩阵$X$,并且满足:$A X A = A$, $X A X = X$. 此时,称矩阵$X$为矩阵$A$的伪逆,也称为广义逆矩阵。pinv(A)具有inv(A)的部分特性,但不与inv(A)完全等同。
若$A$的逆存在,pinv(A) = inv(A),不过使用pinv(A)
Definition in Linear Algebra Done Right
7.2 Definition adjoint, $T^*$
Suppose $T \in \mathcal{L} (V, W)$. The adjoint of $T$ is the function $T^*$: $W \to V$ such that $$\langle Tv, w\rangle = \langle v, T^*w\rangle$$
for every $v \in V$ and every $w \in W$.
7.18 Definition normal
- An operator on an inner product space is called normal if it commutes with its adjoint.
- In other words, $T \in \mathcal{L} (V)$ is normal if $$T T^* = T^* T$$